Dear parents and teachers,

By reading to our little ones, we get to bond and spend quality time with them. 

Children are naturally curious and absorb everything that they see and hear from their environment.  They are really like sponges! 

When we include diversity in what we read to children we help those ideas to be naturally interiorised for them and this can only lead to greater tolerance and respect. 

Let’s make those special moments spent together with them an opportunity to create a beautiful, enriching and enjoyable activity.  We can include many different messages and topics through a variety of books so that important values can be looked at together.  

I firmly believe that one of our responsibilities as parents and teachers is to teach our children about diversity and acceptance in the world.  Incorporating books about, and including, diversity to our child’s collection is a fantastic way to teach them and initiate conversations, early on, regarding diversity. 

Please see here, ideas for when you read Nandi in KwaZulu The ideas can be graded according to age.  

🙊Communication and Language Development

Before reading the story, look at the title and cover. Predict what the story will be about.

Read the blurb on the back cover? Does this give any more clues about the surprise?

The story uses many onomatopoeias. How are onomatopoeias used in the story? Can you think of any others?

Retell the story in the form of a storyboard with captions and speech bubbles for each character/ animal.

Rewrite the story from Themba’s point of view. How does he feel about counting again?

Furnish the hut and name the vocabulary words.

Make a vocabulary list to describe the animals in the story.

Can you find out the names for each animal in a different language?

Try to make a similar story where a child plays an outdoor game.

Write a review of the story, giving your opinions about what you liked / didn’t like.

🔢Mathematical Development

Order the animals according to size: from biggest to smallest or vice versa.

Put the animals in order of estimated weight: from lightest to heaviest.

Record the data of the different animals that appear in the book: Which is the favourite type of animal in the class? How many animals can fly? How many animals have 4 legs?

Ordinal numbers: Using the illustration of the animals at the end of the story talk about which animal appears first, second, third, etc…


How are shadows formed?

Find out about the animals that appear in the story. Where do they live? What do they eat?

What does our heart do when we are fearful or excited?

Uses of water and the different ways to wash clothing?


Play at stepping on one another’s shadows.

Play hide-and-seek.

Play tag.

🌍Understanding the World

The story is based in KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Can you find this on a map? Can you find out more about the country? How is it similar / different to where you live?

Observe the houses that the people live in? What are they called? Where do we find these types of dwellings?

How are the characters dressed? What does their dress tell us about the place that they live in?

❤Personal, Social and Emotional Development

If you were going to play an outdoor game with a few friends, what would you play?

How do you feel when you laugh and play with your friends? Do you prefer to play alone or with other children? Do you prefer to play indoors or outdoors? How do you feel when you play outdoors/ indoors?

How do you feel when you are afraid?

Retell the story from Themba’s point of view. How does he feel about counting again?

🎨Art and Design

Make a beaded bracelet/ necklace/ ankle chain like the children in KwaZulu.


Play percussion instruments to South African beats?

Listen to South African drummers’ music.