ohio university haunted dorm

Located in the middle of a Pentagram of cemeteries: check. By Ryan Lytle | Oct. 26, 2010. At this point, the coincidence of three evil-connoted images was disturbing enough that I wanted the door out of my room. Photo provided via Southeast Ohio History Center. After reading the stories about strange happenings at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, I decided to contribute some of my own experiences while a student for four years at OU. My door was hinged on the right hand side. On top of The Ridges, Ohio University's Wilson Hall dormitory is supposedly haunted. Ohio University, in Athens, Ohio, is no stranger to ghosts. Experts say that any five points can be united on a map in the form of a pentagram. College ghost stories are one of the best ways for upperclassmen to mess around with the . While walking around upstairs they came across a room that as far as they knew was unused, but the door was wide open. Today, residents of Wilson Hall still report seeing objects fly across rooms, doors slamming . The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. Students saw objects flying in the room and smashing against the walls. The line that was plotted, when matched with a map, lead directly to one of the cemeteries in Athens. also, in the scariest places on earth episode the man said she had touched the stain at the ridges and the spirit followed her back to her dorm, she went mad and committed suicide. People over the years have reported seeing the ghost of patients in the windows of the building, seeing strange lights and hearing disembodied voices/screams and other unidentifiable sounds. I lived on the 2nd floor of Sargent Hall on the West Green, right near Wilson Hall. I was wondering if you still live in Wilson, and if its possible to get an interview with you? It has also been reported that the room holds an incredibly potent feeling of despair and dread that is almost palpable in its intensity and has caused some people to panic and run from the room in fright. havent been there want to thoe. Advertisement. Toward the end of the quarter, I was sitting at my desk talking on the phone to a friend. 5 Flagler College. i you stand outside the building, youll notice that there is a section that is shorter than the rest of the building, 3 stories rather than 4 plus an attic space. Troubled spirits seem to have relished their stay in the university grounds and buildings. I would really like to see a photo! The 1st and 4th floors were resided in by boys and the second and 3d floors were the girls floors. The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. At the time, cults were known to be performing rituals in the cemeteries of Athens. My body and floated around the room. Powered by, on Wilson Hall Room 428 (Ohio University). . It is the building that most people point to when speaking abouthaunted Athens, Ohio. Many students report strange and unexplained happenings in the dorms in which they live on. The legs and tail image was on the left side in the central part of the door. This technique is known as astral projection. It is said that she committed suicide by cutting her wrists. Ohio University's very own residence hall, Wilson hall, is considered the most haunted on campus. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please send all questions and comments to obiwan@ghosts.org. I lived on the 4th floor but I dont remember what number it was. It was where our main data feed was located for the 4th floor of Wilson, so if we need to address an internet issue for that floor we would be working in that room. Although different dorms serve as the setting, the stories reported are sometimes the same, although there are always exceptions. 1 Smith College. It really didnt disturb me until I saw the additional images on the inside of the door, especially the snarling face. For years these reports came in from residents and visitors, and it got so bad that the university actually ended up closing the room down, not allowing any residents to live there, sealing it shut, and deeming it uninhabitable. To this day the room remains closed off and off-limits, whatever is in there contained, but there is plenty of other paranormal activity reported from other areas of Wilson Hall as well, although the residents seem to take it all in stride and even seem to be proud of it. The University of York. Many other buildings in the campus have their own ghost stories making Ohio University one of the most haunted places in America. More sinister reports are that demonic faces would appear in reflective surfaces or even within the woodwork only to vanish again, or that blood will sometimes drip from the ceiling or walls. Not sure if he had dreamed the whole incident, he went to talk with his RA. I will be staying in room 376 and if it is true I really am hoping to experience something. Can you tell me some infos that youve known at Ohio University? By the time a student graduates, its almost certain that they will have had a paranormal experience or two while living on campus. Ohio University (Athens, OH): This shouldn't be a surprise. Besides those five, there are about 20 more smaller family graveyards scattered in the hills north of the school. One night when my roommate was home in Cinci for the night I woke up to the lights in my dorm room turned on and the blinds opened. IVE LOOKED AND CANNOT FIND ANYTHING ABOUT HER OTHER THAN SHE HAD ROOM 428 AND DIED A VIOLENT WAY DURING THAT NIGHT. It was then discovered that Wilson Hall was built on a cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. My freshman year I lived on Old South Green, two buildings down from Crawford where the unfortunate student had plummeted to her death one year before (I lived in Brown Hall, for anyone who knows the area). I lived on the 3rd floor of wilson 87-88 and we would hear noises coming from above us. It was viewed as interesting or funny/ironic in light of Athens well-know haunted reputation. Not only are these buildings steeped in history, but some are also said to still "host" visitors from the past. Hi I am a freshman at OU. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Ive looked at the floor plans and there is no room 428. Room 428 at Wilson Hall is permanently closed. Lived on the 4th floor in 1965. Here are just a few personal hauntingsIve experienced, as well as some things experienced by others here. Copyright 2023 Bosa Blog Dark. Theydied in an accident, buthad had such a great time on campus that they decided to stay. If your door is not mine, I wonder if you could find my old door in Hoover? I felt like I could float anywhere in the room. I live in Delaware Ohio and we have Ohio Weslyan University and there is supposed to be some hauntings in Styvertsan Hall and i think some other spot around the campus. Several residence hall rooms and other buildings on campus are said to be haunted. The pentagram myth has not been demonstrated in the case of Wilson Hall. Wilson Hall (Ohio University) Located on West Green is what is arguably the most haunted dorm on Ohio University's campus. Being that it was an all girls dorm u would think it would have smelled half decent, but to this day I have chills over this and wonder if anyone else had ever witnessed that room???? If so, then the line of people wanting to live in Wilson hall must be getting rather long, lets just hope the spirits dont decide to look for a new place to roam. Within the first week, though, I woke up to find scratches on my body, including actual broken skin on my shoulder. So I saw the inside first. It's important to understand this because the history of the place we live will give us a better understanding of the community. A week later, she laid a math book flat on her dresser, and it flew at her and landed at her feet. We all thought it was pretty funny and would try to scare eachother by putting in a Marley CD after telling the story to a visitor, then having someone sneak over and unplug the stereo right after it began to play. From horror stories of burning elevators, to suicides in dorm rooms, there is no doubt that some frightening stuff has occurred on the OSU campus. I was a resident of Hoover during Fall Quarter 1986. Back in 1874, the Mental Medical Center (then called the Athens Lunatic Asylum) opened its doors in the area. The hospital was shut down in 1993, purchased by Ohio University and was declared haunted by Legends of America after its closing due to the horrible deaths that occurred within the building. My grandfathers construction company built this building, Your email address will not be published. They discovered that Wilson Hall is built on the same location as the original site of an early cemetery of the Athens Mental Institute. Off to the side was another devils face. Location: East Green. Ohio University. Ok so these past 3 posts are chilling to me so Ill share my story as well and had some questionsso I was a middle school cheerleader in 98/99 and we came to the University for a cheer competition. Reid Hall (1948-2006) was a dormitory at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio that housed about 140 students. The story says that the female student died in a violent way in that room after practicing occult. It is also agreed that, whatever truth the stories actually hold, Room 428 is most certainly very, very haunted. NASA's Photos From Mars: Don't Tell Me the Red Planet Wasn't Once a Thriving World! One of the most popular is that the hall was built upon a giant pentagram that can be drawn between five surrounding cemeteries on a map, and indeed Wilson Hall supposedly sits right in the middle of it. The place was established in 1804, a year after the statehood. Feel free to e-mails us for details thebrothersmysterium@gmail.com. A senior at Ohio University, Hannah Moskowitz is majoring in the news and information journalism track at the E.W. Required fields are marked *. Voigt Hall was built in 1954 and named after Irma Voigt, Dean of Women at Ohio University from 1913 to 1949. Location: East Green. Food, tissue boxes and things on my desk weresometimes moved around, and Idfind them in strange spots the next day. The five major cemeteries of Athens, where the cults held rituals, form a pentagram. Wilson Hall, Washington Hall and Jefferson Hall are some of the most haunted buildings on campus. In 2015, the University ranked fifth on College Magazine's Top 10 Most Haunted Colleges. Now I was the only one there, and I know it was plugged in when I pushed play and not plugged in two seconds later! Many past and current students enjoy sharing their own personal paranormal encounters at OU. Originally built by The Bromley Group in 1966, the college inn bought this building later on, only for Ohio University to buy and . Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 S. College St., Room #. Configuration: Singles . We even identify with it when other students that we know acknowledge the fact that OU is infamous for our hauntings. Strange voices were also heard. ive lost my keys, my vape has broken. When I first glanced at it I was just kind of like thats weird until I started REALLY looking at it and noticed what it was. Students at Ohio University, the ninth oldest public university in the U.S., are not allowed to so much as ent. As he described his visitor, and the clothing she was wearing, the RA began to become alarmed, trying to hide her room marked the exact spot where Laura had landed exactly one year before. You could tell the wall was removed but it looked more for convenience to updating the heating system then anything else. My cousin goes to OU and he says that in the middle of the night his fire alarm makes a sound that fire alarms doesnt make. Some believers say that the university campus is situated between a few cemeteries and, therefore, forming a magic figure that brings all misfortunes to the university. I have had some friends on the third floor experience the marbles rolling on the floor but my friends on the 4th floor, the supposed most haunted floor have not experienced a thing so I guess it depends. Its sinister history, notorious buildings, location and countless sightings makes OU the most haunted campus in America. 3. she said she felt unwanted. Nothing paranormal happened the entire year we lived there, only some really good partys. See the Site Index for a complete list of articles available on this website. Sightings of ghosts have been reported in the two dormitory buildings, Kohler Hall and Lang Hall. I really hope one of these stories has some truth to it because this was my favorite episode of Scariest Places on Earth. The historic hospital got its start in 1867 when . Since these occurences the room has been closed off and was not given to any new students again. This face wasnt a shadow, but had details drawn by the wood grain. Universities With Haunted Dorms. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, Astrophysicist Claims Ring Lasers Can Bend Space-Time and Allow Time Travel, "What's the Creepiest Thing You've Ever Seen or Heard?" Ohio University. Spiritualists claim that the building is located at the center of a pentagram formed by five such ancient cemeteries, lending this geographical position extra powers of either safety or evil. when we went and got an RA to help us catch it in order to get it out of our room, it had disappeared. Room No. Hi Michael! Powered by. Another legend tells that Wilson Hall was built on the grounds of an Indian cemetery and the spirits are of this origin. Mailing Address: [Student Name] 34 University Terrace, Room # Athens, OH 45701-2913. Ohio University is the most haunted campuses in America. One of these patients, Margaret Schilling, was found dead after six weeks in an abandoned section of the hospital. Room 428 was home to several deaths, a rumored astral projection, and poltergeist activity. There are rumors that the Wilson Hall was built on the top of an ancient Indian cemetery. Opening a year after the state of Ohio was established in 1804, it's . Spiritualist experts claim that the geography of the area, with the layout of peaks, mountains and valleys makes the spot very conductive to psychic energy. Now we all checked, and all of our alarms were not set for 3:00 in the afternoon or 10:00 at night, but for sometime in the morning. I lived on the 4th floor of Wilson Hall In the early 80s so it was just a few years after the girl committed suicide in room 428. . I live on the fourth floor this year and my first morning I woke up early to take my contacts out that I had slept in and went back to my room being locked. The graveyards are scattered around the area and, when looked at on a map, they form a pentagram. CBA specializes in helping families optimize . Legend says the spirit of David Tishman, an Ohio University student killed in a car accident in 1970, was contacted during a seance at the cemetery. Im into investigating that legend as well. The resident was somewhat confused, since he was sure he knew everyone in his complex, and he had never seen this woman before. Washington Hall is said to be haunted by a female basketball team that had died in a bus crash after returning from a basketball camp that they attended during the summer at Ohio University. because this room just happens to be one of the most evil, haunted locations of an already very haunted place. Wilson Hall At Ohio University In Athens, Ohio. Any individual who encounters a barrier in accessing this application may contact Undergraduate Admissions for assistance at admissions@ohio.edu or 740.593.4100. My freshman year I was bombarded with the typical dorm ghost stories (some of which I later believed!) I am going to live on the fourth floor of Wilson next year. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. I think you have a different door, though. I think the university made the room off limits to make people stop asking about the room, but it seems the opposite has happened. It was the first institution of superior studies located west of the Appalachian Mountains. If you would like to correspond about the matter please contact me at zsam899@gmail.com. Some say that she now roams the building along with other patients. By Joseph Armstrong**. Scripps School of Journalism. Its an experience I will never forget. In the 1970s, a male stude. We've all heard the horror stories of moldy showers, broken air conditioners, and haunted dorms, so here is the quick guide of the best (and worst) places to live on Ohio University's main campus. Learn how your comment data is processed. No, i live there and its kind of pointless to. RAs let us in the room around halloween. However, there is no recorded connection between Tishman and the cemetery. Show more. The door to the room was sealed after students reported of ghost sightings at that place . There was also an outline of a tail between the two legs. The Ohio University in Athens, Ohio is perhaps the most haunted campus in the world. Ohio University was one of the places presented in a FOX episode of the series Scariest Places on Earth. All in all, I love living in Wilson and it is always a good conversation starter with people who know it as the most haunted place on the most haunted campus in the United States. I currently live in Wilson, along with several of my friends. She lost her balance and fell to her death. It was at eye-level when I was sitting at my desk, so it was in the mid-section of the door. Can anyone verify whether it really happened? I live in wray hall this year and just 2 days ago I noticed that my closet door has the outline of a demons face with horns on it too. I happened to look at the closet door in my room and saw at eye-level an outline of a devils face with horns. This technique is known as astral projection. And the spirits are of this origin, and if its possible to get an interview with?. Many past and current students enjoy sharing their own ghost stories are one of place! Sightings at that place Green, right near Wilson Hall dormitory is supposedly.. Then called the Athens Mental Institute your email Address will not be published had dreamed the whole incident, went! Complete list of articles available on this website the fourth floor of Sargent Hall the. Room that as far as they knew was unused, but the door the... 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ohio university haunted dorm